beach restaurant

14 October, 2022

Choosing the Perfect Stubby Holder for Your Restaurant

Stubby holders are the next step up from your typical beverage napkin, and they’re becoming increasingly popular in restaurants. Clean up without worrying about getting germs on your hands or having an unsightly mess to look at. But how do you know which stubby holder is right for your restaurant? 

How to Choose Stubby Holders
If you’re going to get into business with a restaurant, you’ll want some unique touch to set your location apart from everyone else. And while there are many ways to do that, custom stubby holders will be an excellent option.

Many businesses prefer getting branded but can end up paying too much money or sacrificing their uniqueness instead simply ordering too many generic holders. But that doesn’t have to be true; here are three things to keep in mind when shopping around for great stubby holders:

Size, Shape and Colour
Consider how many and types of glasses you need and their size, shape, and colour. For example, if your restaurant has wines by the glass on tap and stocks a variety of other bottled drinks, you might want to get stubby holders in multiple sizes and colours. This will give you maximum flexibility when stocking up on more drinks, which is likely to happen regularly. Also, consider whether your guests will be handling your stubby holders directly or whether they’ll be keeping them in drink holders or cabinets.

The other thing in choosing a stubby holder is to figure out how much you should spend. This is not just a random number pulled from thin air — it has to be driven by your specific business needs. You need to consider your budget and make sure that you choose a product that will last you long enough that it’s worth spending some extra money upfront. If you aren’t sure what price point will work best, reach out to other local businesses who have made similar purchases recently or find out from our website.

Custom Design
It's important that you're able to design your custom stubby holders online and receive them quickly enough so that they don't sit on shelves for months before being used at your bar or restaurant. Getting a great deal on cheap stubby holders isn't worth it if they take forever to arrive. Ensure they are branded with your logo to help in marketing your business.

Make sure you have a variety of prices and styles for your stubby holders. That’s because the best way to attract customers to your restaurant is by offering them something unique they won't find anywhere else. Lastly, don't forget about special events in your restaurant bar. You don't need to invest in new stubby holders every time you have an event, but it's a good idea to have at least branded stock for any event to show off these high-quality promotional items. 

The Stubby Holders Team